Circus Journal

Circus: Arts, Life and Sciences is a non-profit, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that disseminates cutting-edge research and promotes diverse practices in the circus arts across disciplinary boundaries. Stephanie is co-editor of the Science section with David Munro of NICA in Australia. Jon Burtt and Katie Lavers are co-editors of the Life section which presents videos accompanied by a piece of writing that can include interviews, work development, choreography breakdown, skills for teaching, rehearsals, investigations into thought processes, animations, and more. Marion Guyez and Vanessa Toulmin are co-editors of the Arts section.  Joe Culpepper and Melanie Stuckey are co-editors overseeing the entire journal.

This publication is published online bi-annually. If you are interested in learning more about submitting your work to the journal go to the Call For Papers for more information or contact one of the editors.