Past Workshops
Pictured: Eileen Little and Kate Law
Enhancing wellness & performance in a professional circus training program. Independent Workshop. Elements Training Company, The Circus Project, Portland Oregon September 2020
FlyCo, AWOL Dance Collective, Portland, OR September 2019, 2020
Enhancing wellness & performance in a pre-professional circus training program. Independent Workshop. Circus Spire, Kinetic Arts Center, Oakland CA October 2019
Understanding Flexibility and Stability. Independent Workshop. FlyCo, AWOL Dance Collective, Portland, OR September 2019, 2020
With Kendall Alway, Micaya and Moncell Durden. Hip hop health. September 20, 2020. (free recording available)
With Kendall Alway, Dana Sheng. Returning to dance and dancing at home: Your safety through Covid-19. September 20, 2020 (free recording available)